I am looking for your help to hold workshops that I believe will significantly improve the quality of meetings.
Since 1992 I’ve been developing participation techniques that radically improve conference sessions and entire meetings. Over the last five years, I have run a variety of 3- to 8-hour workshops. Participants learn to facilitate and appreciate many of these techniques through direct experience. People love these meeting industry workshops! (References are available if you don’t know my work.)
I believe there’s a real need for extended versions of these workshops — lasting 1½ – 2½ days — to give meeting planners, facilitators, and presenters a comprehensive interactive learning experience of these simple, yet powerful and effective ways to improve learning, connection, engagement, and action outcomes at our events.
I love designing and running these workshops, and I would like to offer them anywhere in the world there’s sufficient interest. They will typically be small, between 15 to 50 people.
I am not interested in making a ton of money doing this, just covering expenses and my standard fees. The more people who attend a workshop, the less it should cost them.
Looking for help
So I’m looking for partners and volunteers: people and organizations who are interested and willing to help make these workshops happen.
- You know people and/or groups who would want to attend and are willing to solicit them?
- Such a workshop would fit into and complement one of your events?
- You own a venue where we could host the workshop?
- You, and perhaps others you know, want to attend one and have ideas about holding it at your location or for your community?
- You can help in some other way?
I’m open to any kind of workable relationships (yes, I will reimburse/pay for your contributions) that make these workshops possible. Although my books continue to sell well and influence event design all over the world, after 30 years I’ve learned that most people only fully understand the value of these eye-opening ways to transform meetings by experiencing them, rather than reading about them.
Would you like to make these workshops possible? Can you help? Then I’d love to work with you. Please contact me at [email protected].