When you need professional help, how do you hire the best professional help?
Countless experts — accountants, plumbers, doctors, lawyers, and meeting planners — will take your money in exchange for advice or services. So, when it’s time to minimize your taxes, modernize the bathroom, diagnose that stabbing stomach pain, draft a complex contract, or organize multiple regional conferences — in short, get help with something you can’t do yourself — how do you choose great help?
It isn’t easy. If it was, we wouldn’t hear horror stories about accountants who can’t file a correct tax return, builders who make costly (and hilarious) mistakes, serious cases of medical malpractice, million-dollar errors made by attorneys, and mistakes that meeting planners continue to make.
Why it’s hard to hire the best professional help
You need a new kitchen sink. How can you determine whether someone who says they’re a plumber really knows what they’re doing?
There’s a simple reason why it’s tricky to pick great professionals. If you need help, obviously you lack crucial knowledge or experience. So when you seek help, you don’t know if someone who claims to be able to help really can!
Don’t despair! Here are the two essential steps to take to hire the best professional help.
Ask for and check references
Everyone knows that you should ask for references for a professional who’s going to do work for you. Unfortunately, knowing you should do something doesn’t mean you will actually do it. How often do you ask for references from a professional you’re planning to hire? Do you ask a potential builder? An accountant? A doctor? In my experience, I am rarely asked for references.
In addition, many people ask for references but don’t check them! You may think professionals will only give you the names of people who are satisfied with their services. While that’s usually true, talking to references will invariably turn up useful information. For example, you may discover that a plumber does good work but doesn’t finish in a timely fashion. Or an attorney writes competent contracts but his drafts need to be carefully checked to make sure that changes you request are actually incorporated. It’s common to hear information from a reference that immediately makes you decide not to employ the professional.
So getting and checking references before hiring is an essential step if you want to minimize unpleasant surprises. These days, crowd-vetted online sites like Angie’s List and houzz provide a helpful starting place, but you can’t beat talking directly to clients of professionals you’re considering.
See if they’ll say, “I don’t know”
My mother had an unusual set of medical symptoms. Unfortunately, she picked a doctor who was unable to admit that he didn’t know what was wrong with her. Instead, he told her that she had multiple sclerosis, which caused her much emotional upset. Years went by without the relapses or progressions normal to her illness. But she refused to believe that his diagnosis was wrong. Finally, I called him up and confronted him, and he admitted that she did not have the disease. Years of suffering could have been avoided if we had ascertained at the outset that he was incapable of admitting that he didn’t have all the answers.
Checking to see if a professional will say they don’t know when they actually don’t is an important hiring step that is rarely performed. Interview the professional and ask them questions about the work you want them to do. Listen carefully to how they respond to your questions. You are looking for them to show that they know the limits of their abilities and that they are willing to share their limits with you.
If necessary, ask whether they can do something that is a little outside their stated expertise and listen carefully to how they respond. If you hear an unwillingness to admit that they are not able to fulfill your request, you are receiving an important warning. Ignore it at your peril!
Choosing professionals who are aware of and clear and honest about their own limits ensures not only that they can actually do the work you need, but also that they will let you know when they are unequipped to handle any problems. These are the people you want to work for you.
One more thing
Know your own limitations, and make sure you ask for help when you can’t solve a problem by yourself!
That’s it!
Faithfully execute these two simple steps when choosing professionals and you’ll avoid the common problems that occur when obtaining help with life’s challenges. These must-do steps have made it possible for me to hire the best professional help for years. I hope they help you too.
I’d also like to add, and it’s hinted in the post I think, that the person’s mindset is usually more important than their actual knowledge or resume. Skills can be learned, mindset and personality are much harder to change.
In addition, the skill to be able learn new things is the most important skill a person can have in my opinion. It’s like cheating when you have “one wish” and you ask for “endless number for wishes” 🙂
What are your thoughts on this Adrian? Does it line up with your post?
While I don’t disagree with you, the post is about concrete ways to determine if someone will be a great professional hire. I’m not sure that you can discover whether someone has the skill to learn new things when you don’t know much about what it is they do.