Nobody is born ahead of their time.
After watching Hannah Gadsby‘s stunning show Nanette — which I highly recommend — here’s a small piece worth sharing.
Gadsby starts with Vincent Van Gogh, looking at how we’ve come to lionize the idea of misunderstood genius. “Born ahead of his time,” she says. “What a load of shit. Nobody is born ahead of their time—it’s impossible.”
—Annaliese Griffin, Hannah Gadsby rewrites the way we tell jokes in “Nanette”
Do you ever feel that the world isn’t ready for what you have to say?
I do sometimes.
And when I feel this, it’s easy to wonder: perhaps I was born “ahead of my time?”
No more.
From now on I’ll remember what Hannah said:
“Nobody is born ahead of their time—it’s impossible.”
—Hannah Gadsby, Nanette
It helps.