‘Twas the Holiday Season, when all through the net
#Eventprofs were stirring, their DMs to get;
The BEOs stored on their iPads with care,
In hopes that the caterers soon would be there;
Attendees were nestled all snug in their chairs;
While visions of aerialists danced in the air;
And friends on their PCs, and me on my Mac,
Were settling our sights on a long winter’s hack,
When out on SM there arose such a clatter,
I stared at my feed to see what was the matter.
Logged in to Mastodon, scanning the stream,
All I could see was a sparkling new meme.
Thank goodness, thank goodness, it wasn’t That Guy,
Though some were expressing dismay on Bluesky;
It had nothing to do with ChatGPT,
Which gives you advice, without guarantee;
Ah, though I would not make a purchase so rash,
It seems it was just one more steep crypto crash.
The glow of the screen on my new M3 keyboard,
Gave a glint of ROI promised reward;
So I opened a Zoom and invited some friends,
With the hope they weren’t burning the candle (alone) at both ends.
Then what to my wondering eyes did arrive,
But a slew of responses and Sam Evans live!
With Brandt Krueger, Nicole Osibodu, Sandy Nijhuis— a hat-trick,
And then Glo Nelson & Sharyn Fitzpatrick;
Sue Pelletier, Martin Sirk, John Chen — a battalion,
Hans Etman, David Adler & KiKi L’Italien.
So I whistled, and shouted, and called them by name:
Now Tahira Endean & Jan-Jaap In der Maur
Miguel Neves and Dahlia El Gazzar!
Come gaily dressed in your best business suit
Anh Nguyen, Liz Lathan, and Eric De Groot!
Why, Keith Johnston and Rick van der Kleij
Mike McAllen, Alex Plaxen, are now on the stage!
Serena Ferrari whom I first met in Rome,
And who showed me the city that once was her home.
Our tally of friends is as long as a book,
Sina Bünte, Deborah Elms, Kristin Arnold, and Paul Cook!
Anca Platon Trifan, Roxann Hendrickson, and Joan Eisenstodt,
Did I forget them? No, I did not!
I miss Deborah Oster Pannell, I don’t get to see her,
Or Cameron Toth, Traci Browne, and Mike van der Vijver.
To the top of the page! to the top of the list!
Duck under the velvet rope, come to be kissed!
As leaves that before room turnover rise,
When they meet with an obstacle, we all improvise.
So into the Zoom the #eventprofs all flew,
With the click of a mouse and some first-timers too,
Appeared on the screen with a beer in their hand,
Or an old-fashioned cocktail or mocktail as planned.
Oh, who is that sipping a classic martini?
Why it’s none other than Gianna Gaudini!
So come join us shortly if that’s what you’d like,
If we say we can’t hear you please unmute your mike!
We’ll gather together, on this year reflecting,
A bunch of old friends who just love reconnecting;
And you’ll hear me exclaim as I fade the downlight,
Happy holidays to all, and to all a good night!
[Note: This post gets updated annually, and I share the latest version in December. I don’t have enough rhymes to mention everyone I work with, but, rest assured, I love you all!]
Holiday Season Image courtesy of Fenton InPrint online
Can’t make it today but had to comment–love this post so much I want to give it a big old hug!
I’ve been updating and reposting this hymn to #eventprofs in December every year, so check it out; you may be there! (And if you’re not, I apologize, but I still love you.)