Some testimonials about Adrian Segar’s conferences, facilitation, designs, and writing provided by participants, clients, and fans over the last 16 years:
I saw Adrian facilitating today, he's a wizard, amazing :-).Thorben Grosser
"…your company in many ways sets the stage others can learn from"Holly Duckworth CAE, CMP
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I've been reading your site often to gear up for our next conference. Always enjoy your posts!Natalie Cerino, co-founder of @themomcon
I've used Conferences that Work with international groups in Chile & Japan.Kelly Salasin
edACCESS provides peer-led sessions for everyone on your team, from Directors to Helpdesk and Academic Technology, all discussing similar issues and sharing applicable solutions that can be implemented realistically. For me, the days of being herded like sheep from one cavernous conference hall to another to be told about solutions that my institution cannot afford are over. This conference allows me and my team to visit an actual working campus and participate in real discussions with peers, all for a fraction of the cost of a big-box conference. edACCESS is inclusive, insightful, rejuvenating and by far the most immersive and effective IT conference you and your team will experience.Bhavin P.