Some testimonials about Adrian Segar’s conferences, facilitation, designs, and writing provided by participants, clients, and fans over the last 16 years:
Not many event professionals have such insights on the content aspect of event planning like you do, it has been a pleasure to read.Yohai Rosen
If educators gave copies of [Mark Jeffries book "Creating the Perfect Event"] and Adrian Segar’s “Conferences that Work” to all of their students, the world of meetings and conferences would be a much better place.Keith Johnston
I left SimpleREV 2015 stronger, more informed, and more excited about life than I ever have been before! Honestly, the best weekend of my life so far. I am not exaggerating.Michelle
This is THE most valuable conference I could imagine attending each year.Conference participant
Adrian Segar has broken new ground when it comes to innovative conference formats that reliably build highly interactive, crowdsourced, participant-led events.Editor of Prevue Meetings & Incentives Barbara Scofidio