Did you know that facilitators have their own Olympics too? Here are six events at the facilitator Olympics you may not be aware of…
Get the entire group to return on time from break. #facilitatorolympics
— Shit FacilitatorsSay (@ShitFacilitator) May 7, 2016
Rearrange 10 tables and 60 chairs from boardroom style to horseshoe b4 participants arrive. #FacilitatorOlympics
— Shit FacilitatorsSay (@ShitFacilitator) February 12, 2014
@ShitFacilitator turn up to an off site venue and get into the training room within 30 mins #facilitatorolympics #sorrywhoareyou
— Andy Kaye (@thepitofclay) May 8, 2016
Make it to the 3rd fl. bathroom & back while participants are in 4 min pair-share. #FacilitatorOlympics
— Shit FacilitatorsSay (@ShitFacilitator) February 12, 2014
Set up a Mac & non-compatible projector to do a PowerPoint presentation without tech support. #facilitatorolympics
— Shit FacilitatorsSay (@ShitFacilitator) May 7, 2016
Facilitate an entire strategic planning process with only one color marker. #facilitatorolympics
— Shit FacilitatorsSay (@ShitFacilitator) May 7, 2016
Also, here’s a bonus cartoon that illustrates the esteem in which facilitators are held.
Perhaps you know of additional events at the facilitator Olympics? So feel free to share them in the comments!
With thanks to @ShitFacilitator (whose profile reads “I facilitate groups. But really, I’m just holding the space.”)
Image courtesy of Rob Cottingham under a CC license