What’s not to like about Convenings 2.0?
“The W.K. Kellogg Foundation is a relationship-based and an event-based organization. We love to bring our grantees together so they can learn, network, and share best practices.”
— Sterling Speirn, President and CEO, W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Published in 2013, this report is just as relevbant today. You can download for free the beautifully designed Convenings 2.0 report (click on the report cover above). Convenings 2.0 describes a wealth of thoughtful approaches, proposals, and standards for meetings hosted by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation for its grantees. Containing extensive research by Carol and Mike Galle, and Sharon McMurray of Special D Events, I believe this document deserves wide circulation to associations, foundations, and event and association professionals.
Thirty-five subject matter expert contributors from foundations, the meeting industry, and adult learning/academia contributed to the report, including my friends and colleagues Mitchell Beer, Michelle Bruno, Sandy Heierbacher, Carolyn Ray, Maarten Vanneste, and myself. The bibliography includes books and reports by Joan Eisenstodt, Jackie Mulligan, Maarten, myself, and many others.
The report scope includes meeting and event logistics, knowledge management, integrated communications, technology, foundation considerations, design and execution, communication and branding, a set of twenty-one recommendations, and an outline of design, execution, and evaluation process, with an appendix covering adult learning theory and its application to meetings and a glossary. Apposite quotes are sprinkled throughout the fifty-two pages.
There’s something for everyone here, folks. It’s well worth reading!