Yesterday, my trusty Apple Watch told me that I had surpassed my daily move goal every day for the last three years.
“Movement is life,” said Captain Mac Elwin in Jules Verne‘s A Floating City.
I’m glad to be alive!
Today, I’m tired and achy, recovering from yesterday’s COVID booster. So I replaced my daily run with a long walk.
I continue to move.
My Twitter bio includes that I love to dance, sing, and meditate. All these are different ways to move. For me, dance evokes the very essence of movement in my body. Singing requires the movement of my vocal cords, forming moving sound waves in the air. And even meditation involves movement as I watch breath move in and out of my body.
More than life
In fact, movement is more than life. At a deeper level, everything is moving. Every lifeless atom—whether in a bar of copper, a vat of mercury, or a tank of oxygen—is constantly changing position. At the deepest level, quantum mechanics tells us that no particles in the universe are static; all exist in a probability cloud of possible positions.
I am grateful for the movement in my life, both for the joy it gives me and movement’s constant reminder that I am alive.
Image attribution: Fka Twigs Dance GIF By Sarah Wintner