Thanks to Merv Wyeth of Chanctonbury Associates for this video of the human spectrograms (aka body voting) I facilitated at a session on facilitation at the 2013 FRESH conference on innovative meeting formats in Copenhagen, Denmark. In the video, we explore participants’ answers to the following questions:
- What percentage of the meeting sessions you organize use facilitation? Then moving to…
- What percentage of the meeting sessions you organize do you think should be facilitated?
- How willing are you to try participative formats?
- How willing are your meeting owners to try participative formats?
- How willing are your meeting participants to try participative formats?
- How successful are you at persuading meeting owners to use facilitation, when appropriate, during sessions?
- What percentage of your attendees are familiar with participative formats? (The audience suggested this question.)
So you can see how I use human spectrograms to interview participants at different points on the answer continuum to shed light on their viewpoints and circumstances.
The video also illustrates state-change human spectrograms. Here the group can watch the movement between the answers to two slightly different questions. In addition, the video demonstrates a form of two-dimensional human spectrogram, where we differentiate answers along a second axis in the room—in this case how answers differ for corporate and association meeting planners.