For the last three months, I’ve been rehearsing for the Brattleboro Concert Choir’s performances this weekend of Ernest Bloch’s Avodath Kakodesh. Looking back, I realize I’ve been singing with the BCC for the last ten years.
The first weeks of rehearsal of a new piece are not much fun. I don’t know the music well, and I’m not a great sight-reader. I usually spend a significant amount of time creating a soulless electronic version of my part. Precise tones with precise timings, which I share with my fellow tenors. I attend at least one two-hour rehearsal each week. All this work adds up to a large commitment of time and energy to the two, sometimes three, annual concert performances.
So, given the many other interests in my life, and the large number of attractive opportunities I reluctantly turn down, why do I choose to sing with the Concert Choir year after year?
Why I sing
Part of the answer is my pleasure, as the performance dates approach, of my ability to sing increasing competently at points in the music. Sometimes I experience singing beautifully. Even if it’s only a portion of a phrase that suits my vocal abilities. Feeling in harmony with the musical moment is emotionally satisfying.
But the major rush I, and probably all my fellow choristers, feel is the joy of creating. And being a part of, and sharing a beautiful musical experience with others. No one person alone, however talented, can bring our performance into being. To do so, our musical director, our soloists, our choristers, and our orchestra are all needed and must collaborate effectively at many different levels.
At both performances this weekend, there were times when audience members were weeping.
The conferences I design and facilitate are not rehearsed, and what happens does not flow from a central musical score. But what the BCC performances and Conferences That Work share is the joy of connecting with others to create meaningful experiences, and sometimes profound.
I love being a part of both of these worlds.
And I hope you are lucky enough to be able to experience this connectedness in some way in your life.
I love this. I hear 2 themes: the joy of growth and competence, the agile/ organic flow of a group (individually and collectively) moving towards convergence. Oh, and maybe a 3rd – the fulfillment on arrival.
Becky – you’re a poet. Thanks!
Excellent post Adrian!
When we are aware of the activities that fuel our passion for life, there is no doubt it bleeds through into everything else that we do. Your passion for the choir obviously has a direct impact on the events you plan and your attendees feel the energy that is transferred from one hobby to the profession.
At Elite Meetings I’ve noticed a similar thread with innovation. As a team we are passionate about creation and while sometimes this leads to chaos…it also leads to a tremendous amount of fun which transfers into everything else we do. It’s pretty cool when clients consistently remark how much fun they had working with us.
Thanks for the Post Holiday inspiration!
Isn’t it great, Mark, how living our passion feels good and, as you say, bleeds through into everything else that we do? AND, our clients pick up on our energy and enjoy its effects? It’s a win-win; the kind of outcome I like! I’m glad you and I are in touch with the core that drives our work.
Nice! Thanks for sharing
Thank you Tahira. Knowing you a little, I suspect you have had these kind of moments too. 🙂