Motivational speaker topic needs a good home!

Motivational speaker: photograph of a paper towel dispensing machine that includes the instruction "Pull with both hands"

Free! Toilet trained! Motivational speaker topic needs a good home!

Unique opportunity! Too many ideas to handle—this one MUST GO! Great potential for the right presenter! Good for a few minutes OR MORE of your inspirational message! Use it now, before someone else snaps it up!

No trained operators are standing by! This is clearly your Lucky Day!

Are you ready?


====> Pull With Both Hands! <====

So many angles available in a single four-word concept!

For example.

When you Pull with Both Hands:

  • Your effort is more powerful!
  • Two hands provide balance, one does not!
  • You model cooperation and teamwork!
  • You avoid failure! (Remember—the towel dispenser mechanism jams if only one hand used!)
  • There’s always an alternative! (Just turn the little thingy on the side!)

I’m sure a few moments of contemplation on your part will lead to many more!

No catch! Nothing to pay! No salesperson will call!

Yet another creative idea from the billions of tiny brain cells firing 24/7 at Conferences That Work!

P.S. Yes! I’ve incorporated a record number of exclamation marks into this post! The italics count isn’t too shabby either!

Thank you to the creative environment provided by the men’s bathroom at BATS, where this inspiration struck.

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