Pecha Kucha posts and videos roundup

Pecha Kucha posts and videos: a photograph of a woman in the middle of a Pecha Kucha presentation. Photo attribution: Flickr user fotodenedWhile preparing to emcee my Pecha Kucha session at EventCamp East Coast, I thought it would be useful to collect together in one place my scattered Pecha Kucha posts and videos about the format, as well as a video of one of the Pecha Kucha presentations I’ve made. Enjoy!

Pecha Kucha, not Ashton Kutcher (post)

Why PK (Pecha Kucha) is OK (post)

My Pecha Kucha talk Face Your Fear: Change Your Event Design at Event Camp Twin Cities 2010 (YouTube)

Tips for organizing Pecha Kucha sessions (post)

Photo attribution: Flickr user fotodened

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