Social media presentation May 13 2010

Publicity still for SM talkOne man’s descent into a world of blogs, Twitter, and social networking sites in the pursuit of publicity for his book.

Updated May 13, 2010 with slide deck & additional links (see end of post)

On Thursday, May 13, at 7 p.m., in the Brooks Memorial Library’s meeting room, Adrian Segar, local author of Conferences That Work: Creating Events That People Love returns to describe what he’s learned about marketing his book via social media in the six months since it was published. His talk will be of interest to anyone who wants to find out more about using social networking sites and tools to market products and services.

Adrian Segar, who ran the monthly meetings of the Southeastern Vermont Computer Users Group for sixteen years, offered to give this talk after he recently began being bombarded with questions about blogging and using services like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn for publicity, marketing, and fostering connections with existing and potential customers.

Marketing with social media is a huge topic and can’t be covered comprehensively in a single session. Instead, Adrian will describe his surprising journey attempting to discover how best to use social media to publicize his nontraditional approach to conference design. His experience will be a useful guide to what you may encounter if you delve into this strange new environment. After Adrian has told his story there will be plenty of time for questions and discussion.

Adrian Segar has organized and facilitated conferences for 30 years. He is a former elementary particle physicist, information technology consultant, professor of computer science, and co-owner of a solar manufacturing company. He lives with his wife Celia in Marlboro, Vermont, is active in the non-profit world, and loves to sing and dance.

The program is free and open to all.

Presentation resources

Slide deck for my talk
Some reasons I don’t like FaceBook
More reasons I don’t like FaceBook

5 thoughts on “Social media presentation May 13 2010

  1. I recently discovered your blog and have been reading regularly since then….it’s been very helpful as I look to ‘shake up’ our yearly user group event for our product users. Just wanted to say ‘thank you’ and also say…cute picture regarding your ‘descent’!

    1. Marianna, I’m glad you’re finding my blog useful, and appreciate you taking the time to write and let me know. Would you be willing to share (either here or privately) how your annual user group activities have been influenced by what you’ve read?

      P.S. I had fun whipping up the Indiana Jones style image, especially as I’ve never been able to climb a rope to save my life!

      1. Adrian – Well, this will be the first year we’ll be trying to put some of this into action, so…;) I think what I’m particularly focusing on is finding ways to better facilitate networking and connections at the event (and to start laying groundwork in advance). So, your discussions about roundtables and leaving time for discussion to happen at the event are key for me. Our past events have had some unstructured time, but most of it has been pre-planned sessions with a speaker addressing an audience. We’re starting to do more to allow folks to better pre-network and, then, to decide at the event some of what they want to focus on. Bottom line, your blog and the blog of Jeff Hurt have given me much to mull over.

        1. Marianna – please let us know what you try and how it works or doesn’t work for you and your users. I learn a lot from other people’s experiences adding attendee-driven elements into events, and would appreciate hearing about yours. Good luck – and if I can be of any assistance, just get in touch.

          1. Adrian – will do. Our event is in late September – I’ll be sure to provide a summary of our experience after.

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