A birthday present for you on the 21st anniversary of Conferences That Work

The 21st anniversary of Conferences That Work!the 21st anniversary of Conferences That Work

What a long strange trip it’s been

The first Conferences That Work event was held June 3–5, 1992, at Marlboro College, Vermont. If you had told me then that the format would spread all over the world, and that just twelve years later I would devote my entire professional life to designing, facilitating, and evangelizing participant-led and participation-rich events I would have said you were crazy.

Even last week, glimpsing a couple of copies of my book lying on a table behind a Swiss conference organizer during a Skype call evoked a moment of disbelief. (Though it was quickly followed by a mixture of excitement and pride.)

That original 1992 conference has been held every year since. We’ve added an extra day. And we’ve become, in the words of one participant, “The best education-focused tech conference on the planet.

Hardly a month goes by these days without hearing about events organized by people who have purchased Conferences That Work. It’s becoming clear to me that there are many Conferences That Work taking place that I’ll probably never know about.

A free gift for you

Although I’m hard at work finishing my next book I haven’t forgotten Conferences That Work. The format continues to evolve, so I’m writing a supplement that describes the improvements, both large and small, that I and many collaborators have suggested and implemented since the book was published in 2009. I’ll publish the supplement as a free ebook in the next few months.

Want a copy? Let me know using the form below and I’ll send you a copy when it’s ready.

Think of it as a 21st birthday present on the 21st anniversary of Conferences That Work, to my creation and its practitioners. This drink’s on me!

    If you'd like a free copy of the ebook update to "Conferences That Work: Creating Events That People Love" please supply the following. Your contact information will not be used for any other purpose.

    Your name (required)

    Your email (required)


    Photo attribution: Flickr user data_op

    One thought on “A birthday present for you on the 21st anniversary of Conferences That Work

    1. It must have felt good to see your book on the table. I think that Skype and other long distance calling options make it easier to keep in touch with people all across the world. It makes it easier to plan conferences or have small meetings among team members.

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