Zoom meeting tips

by Adrian Segar

Zoom meeting tips

Zoom meeting tipsInstructions on how to join a meeting hosted by Adrian Segar are here.

Please read and implement the following Zoom meeting tips — they will make you look and participate better!

  • Learn about attendee controls here.
  • Use an external microphone or headset.
  • Light your face, not the back of your head.
  • Sit close to the camera.
  • Join the meeting in a quiet place.
  • When you join my meetings, your sound will be on and video off. Turn your video on when ready—we want to see you!
  • Mute your sound when you’re not talking.
  • Using a laptop/tablet/smartphone? Keep it still. Please turn off your video if you need to move your device around; otherwise it’s distracting for other participants.
  • On a tablet/smartphone, touch the screen to bring up toolbar options (mute/unmute/stop or start video/participants/chat/participants.
  • On a phone? Please say your name before speaking.
  • Want to say something and your video is on? Raise your hand on screen. Or go to list of participants and click/touch “raise hand”. No video? Use text chat, wait for facilitator to prompt you, or interject appropriately.
  • Turn on Zoom text chat. The host/participants can use it to share comments and links. You can also send private messages to participants.