Undiscussed topics at EventCamp East Coast

Undiscussed topics EventCamp East Coast ECEC10 peer session scheduleIn my experience, when you get a group of professionals together and give them the opportunity to determine what they’d like to talk about, you’ll end up with enough viable topics for several days of sessions. EventCamp East Coast (EC²), held earlier this month, was no exception. The final peer session schedule, shown above, was optimized for the single day that was available, and I was pleased to see significant attendance at every session.

During the event I was asked whether I could share the session topics that didn’t make it into the final conference program. The thought was that the list of undiscussed topics could be a useful resource for ideas for future conference sessions, #eventprofs chats etc. So, here are the undiscussed topics at EventCamp East Coast (quoted directly from the peer session sign-up sheets) that would have been held if we had had more time available:

  • How do I get sponsors and fundraise for my event?
  • Sales & marketing: How to sell yourself and/or your product.
  • Subcontracting services for major corporate events.
  • Creating a meeting budget.
  • How to connect with event planners, speak their language, and open them up to social media/virtual events.
  • Creating engaging learning environments.
  • Creating interactive sessions.
  • What are the key pieces you need to start a community like #eventprofs?
  • Sustainability issues and the future of meetings.
  • Event industry professional standards.
  • How to get clients/partners to adhere to timelines for deliverables.
  • Ways/incentives to get attendees to sign up for events early.

It’s always interesting to compare a peer conference program’s topics with the ones that a traditional program committee would have chosen. In my experience, the best program committees predict only half the topics that attendees actually want!

Do the topics requested at EC² surprise you? What proportion of them would you have predicted?

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