#eventprofs life-work balance survey results

#eventprofs life-work balance 2799505769_6b61dac85b_b

Having agreed to moderate an #eventprofs chat this evening, I thought I’d whip up a short, anonymous survey on #eventprofs’ life-work balance. I received 21 responses in the ten hours the survey was open, and here are the results:

1. How many days in a week do you normally work?


2. How many hours in a day do you normally work?


3. How many hours in a day do you spend traveling to work?


4. How do you feel about the amount of time you spend at work?


5. Do you ever miss out any quality time with your family or your friends because of pressure of work?


6. Does your organization offer any of the following options for work/life balance? Are there options you would like your organization to offer?


Other comments:


7. On a scale from 1 (extremely poor) to 10 (extremely satisfied), how would you rate your current work-life balance?


8. Please add any additional comments about your work-life balance here.


Title image attribution: http://www.flickr.com/photos/seeveeaar/ / CC BY-ND 2.0

So those are the results of my informal poll on #eventprofs life-work balance.

What issues make it hard for event professionals to maintain a healthy work-life balance? What has helped you or others ? Feel free to add your own comments!

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