How can we build connection and engagement with the people with whom we work?
My wise consultant friend Naomi Karten tells a short story about a client’s unexpected reaction. Frank had a bad experience with an earlier information technology project, so Naomi’s team gave him three possible approaches to a major system design and a list of the pluses and minuses of each.
“The plan was to let him select the approach he preferred in hopes that he’d gain more trust in us as a result…”
“…Frank jumped up, shouted, ‘How dare you develop options without my input!’ and marched out of the room…”
“…Instead of his seeing the options as giving him a say in our efforts, he may have seen us as preventing his input into the very idea of options. We saw ourselves giving him some control. He may have seen us as taking it away.”
—Naomi Karten, The Importance of Giving Others a Sense of Control
At traditional conferences, attendees choose from predetermined sets of sessions chosen by conference organizers. Think about your experience of such events. Have you found that much of the time, none of the choices supply what you actually need and/or want? Sadly, we’re so used to this state of affairs, we accept it as normal.
An alternative
Conferences don’t have to be designed this way. Over the last twenty-five years, I’ve discovered that peer conferences, where participants determine the choices, provide a much better fit between the wants/needs of the attendees and the conference program they construct on-the-fly. This leads to significantly greater connection, engagement, and satisfaction.
Sometimes, giving people a limited number of options is not enough. Giving up control over the choices at your conferences by handing them over to the participants — using a proven process, of course —is one of the best ways to build trust, connection, and engagement at your events.
Photo attribution: Flickr user kt