Covenants, not ground rules

covenants not ground rules: illustration of a cloud with a rainbow behind itThough adopting explicit ground rules can improve conferences, I’ve never been thrilled with the term ground rules. Language is important, and Rules are typically imposed by bosses, governments, and dictators.

So the other day, during a workshop run by Patrick Short and Alan Montague, I was happy to discover a word I like better.

Covenant“an agreement, usually formal, between two or more persons to do or not do something specified.”

Unlike rules handed down from on high, covenants are agreements, in this case between a facilitator and participants.

Covenants, not ground rules

This may seem a little disingenuous because I believe it’s still a facilitator’s responsibility to suggest or elicit covenants that shape group behavior. Given that facilitators typically possess more influence and authority over group process than anyone else present, they will likely shape the covenants the group adopts, to some extent.

Nevertheless, the term “covenants” describes a group’s agreements about how its members will work together. This shifts the focus from imposed rules to group agreements. If contentious aspects of these agreements surface, they are the group’s agreements rather than the facilitator’s ground rules. The group can discuss them, modify them, or even set them aside.

So for me, covenants are in, and ground rules are out. It’s a small change, but I think it’s one worth making.

What do you think? How do you introduce group agreements when you’re facilitating? Comments, as always, are welcome.

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