Wirearchy not hierarchy! Wirearchy? What’s that? Here’s organizational learning consultant Harold Jarche:
If you are convinced that your future workplace should look more like a Wirearchy, (a dynamic two-way flow of power and authority based on, knowledge, trust, credibility, a focus on results; enabled by interconnected people and technology) then the best thing you can do now is prepare.
- Prepare yourself to be a continuous learner.
- Prepare yourself and your team/department to work collaboratively.
- Start narrating your work.
- Become a knowledge curator and share widely.
- Engage in professional social networks and communities of practice.
- Model the behaviours you would like to see in others.
—Harold Jarche: The Revolution Starts Within
These days, this is excellent advice for anyone concerned about job security. As Seth Godin reminds us in a great video: We don’t have a shortage of factory workers anymore.
Furthermore, I believe our conferences should become wirearchies too: places where communication and learning are two-way, where presenters and attendees alike are continuous learners who work collaboratively during the event, and where we engage with our professional community rather than passively sit and listen. I work to model these behaviors—both at the events I organize and those I attend. We’ll all get a lot more out of our events when we practice wirearchy, not hierarchy.
I encourage you to join me.
Photo attribution: Flickr user tanakawho